Monday, January 29, 2007


Not usually one to succumb to peer pressure I just thought if everyone else was doing it so would I!

Its actually a good place to store the photos of everything!

I guess I can spend some time tomorrow while all the kids are back at school and get some photos here for you all to see.



Roseanne said...

great one De!!!join the rest of us blogers have fun roseane (razzyrose)

Anonymous said...

came in to have a sticky beak De, keep up the great work as it is coming together nicely

Lisa said...

Ummmmmm......This list doen't seem right , where all the stuff your planning to make me. LOL
XXX Lisa

Lisa said...

Ummmmm... this list doesn't seem quite right, wheres all the things your planning to make me. LOL
XXX Lisa